LED - signal towers

Modular LED-singal towers LR4/5/6/7
Slim LED-signal towers MES, MPS
Programable LED-signal tower LA6 Demo-Video
Flat LED-wall lights WE, WME
LED-signal tower for food industry LS7
LED-ethernet/interface-signal tower PHE/PHC Manual PHE/PHC

LED - signal light

LED-flash and round lights SL, SF, LFH
Rotating beacons SK
Slim LED-flashligth LPT
Small LED-indicators NE
LED-/Xenon-signal lights M22-L for 22,5 mm hole
LED-inserts BA15d, spare flash tubes LLL, LLB, XT


ITP11 LED-display 4-20 mA                                      User guide ITP11
ITP14 Universal LED-display 0(4)-20 mA /0(2)-10 V User guide ITP14
ITP15 LED-bargraph display 0-100%                        User guide ITP15
ITP16 LED-display temperature                                User guide ITP16
SMI2 LED-display RS485 Modbus                            User guide SMI2

Digital and analog meters

Digital and analog meters, current transformer
Hour meters
Fault indication display modules LAB

Audible signal devices

Small horns w./w.o. steady/blinking/flashing light KLL, KLF, KLH, KDH, HMK
Signal horns HPT, HTG

LED-work lights

LED-strips SL4000, SL700, LED-K, CWA, CLA, CWK, CLK, LE, LED-S
LED-headlights CLN
LED control cabinet lamps

kink arm work lights

Kink arm LED work lamp ORLH, TRLH
LED work light 30/50W

Machine tube ligths

LED-machine lamp Ø 70/60/50 mm
Mounting accessories
